Jane's Guide Here's all the help you need to use Jane.

Cash Visits & Superbills

In this lesson we’ll cover the following topics:

💡Heads up — this guide contains some workflows that are only available on the Thrive plan, and some that require Jane’s insurance billing features. We’ll let you know which workflows these are throughout the guide.

Customizing Your Superbill Template

If you haven’t already customized your Superbill template such as adding your business logo, practitioner license number(s), and electronic signature to your profile, please review our guide on customizing receipts here first.

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Superbill Creation

Here are the steps to creating a Superbill for your clients when they pay upfront for your services.

Patients can submit this document for insurance reimbursement (so you don’t have to, phew!).


You can generate a superbill for any appointment (paid or unpaid) after you’ve added billing codes. As a reminder, you can add billing codes to the Insurance Info section of an appointment from the Schedule.

Additionally, you can add billing codes via the patient’s profile in Billing > Purchases > View > Insurance

Now, start typing the code number or description in the search field to pull up the required billing code(s).

Any codes that you have starred as a favourite in Settings > Billing Codes will pop up first in the drop down list for quick access.

For more information on the work flow for adding billing codes to a visit, please have a look at our guide on Adding Billing Codes and Insuring a Patient Visit.

Custom Billing Codes

What if I can’t find the billing code(s) that I need or what if I don’t want any prices associated with the codes I add and just want to bill the treatment price?

No problem! With a Full Access account, you can configure your billing code sets and add custom billing codes from the Settings of your Jane account. Check out our guide on creating custom billing codes for more information on adding billing codes that you don’t find from in pre-loaded sets in Jane.

Configure Your Billing Code Sets: Under Code Sets choose which type of codes to display throughout Jane and hit Save Billing Code Sets.

Printing, Generating a PDF, or Emailing a Superbill

Once you have added all of your billing and diagnosis codes to your patient’s visit, you can either Print, Generate a PDF, or Email a superbill to your patient.

To select from these options, you’ll need to click the arrow beside the Pay button either from the appointment window on the Schedule:

Or when viewing the purchase from the patient’s Billing area (Billing > Purchases > View > Arrow):

If you don’t see the option to email a superbill, some things to check would be:

  • Does this patient have an email address on file?
  • Have you added the CPT & ICD-10 codes to the visit?
  • Are you using the Insurance Plan? If not, take a peek at our guide on Superbills on the Base Plan with some alternate workflows.

Here’s what a standard Superbill looks like:

You can also email or print a receipt directly through the Pay workflow that will include your added billing codes.

Note that the layout is slightly different in this receipt format:

Patients can be given either document for insurance reimbursement!

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Superbills with Packages

💡Heads up — Packages & Memberships are available on the Thrive Plan.

If you provide superbills for patients who submit their receipts to insurance and they are redeeming Packages, then we suggest creating Packages that are “pay as you go” so the patient is charged each visit. Packages set up with an upfront cost and $0 per appointment will result in a superbill receipt that shows the patient paid $0, this is because no money exchanged hands at the time of the appointment.

We put together a quick video to go over the setup requirements. As a quick summary, the package will be set up as a “pay-as-you-go” offer, but an initial upfront payment is collected and stored on the client’s file as a credit. This payment is then used to cover the discounted rate of all upcoming appointments.

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Add Billing Codes as You Chart

Check out how you can add billing codes to your appointments as you chart on them if you’re on:

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Re-booking Clients With the Same Billing Codes

Need to book in a patient for a subsequent visit where all (or most) of the Insurance Info will be the same as a previous service date?

If so, you can copy insurance information either when booking a patient visit or after the patient has booked to save yourself some time.

1) At the time of booking

By using the Copy button under the Billing Info section of the appointment pane of the previous appointment, you can re-book the client with all the billing codes from the last visit with a single click!

Click here for step-by-step instructions on copying appointments.

2) After the Appointment is Booked

However, if the patient books the appointment on your online booking site, Jane won’t make an assumption on what billing codes to attach to the visit (since Jane doesn’t know which procedure codes will apply).

In these cases, when the patient comes in for their visit, you would just need to open up the appointment from the Schedule, head to the Insurance Info section, click the “Add Claim” button, and select the copy previous option you’d like to apply.

Pro Tip: you can save your most commonly used codes as a starred note in the patient’s profile to quickly copy and paste your codes in :)

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Adding Billing Codes to a Paid Invoice

Have a paid visit that you need to add billing and diagnosis codes to? Have a look at our Adding Billing Codes to a Paid Invoice guide document for some help!

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Time of Service Discount

Would you like to offer your patient a time of service discount and you need that discount to reflect on the superbill? Our Time of Service Discount guide doc walks through how to do so!

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Generating Batch Superbills

💡Heads up — generating batch superbills requires Jane’s insurance billing features.

Want to export multiple superbills in one go? If so, check out the following guide: Generating a Batch: Superbills & CMS-1500s

Jane considers each purchase separate for superbill purposes — so each appointment will have its own unique superbill. Creating a batch will put together a .zip file that will contain all of the individual superbills based on the appointments you select.

If there are any other workflows that you’re trying to act out, or have questions not answered by the guide don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected]

Happy Superbilling!

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