Jane's Guide Here's all the help you need to use Jane.

Editing your Staff Email and/or Phone Number

Here’s what you’ll find in this guide:

Why is my email/mobile number greyed out?

You may find yourself asking this question when you head into your Staff tab > Edit/Settings area when trying to update your staff profile email or mobile number to something new:

This is intentional! In the name of security, Jane wants to ensure that those changing any email addresses or mobile phone numbers under a Staff’s profile are authorized to do so.

How do I change my email/mobile number?

Easy peasy! Look for the Edit Email or Edit Mobile Number text in blue, below the greyed out email and/or mobile number section in a Staff Members profile:

Once clicked, enter in your new email or mobile number in the screen provided, and your personal login password. This way, Jane can verify that you are the one making that update:

Hit Confirm, then Save to ensure your changes stick. 🎉

That should do the trick for you, but for some reason it doesn’t, we can head to your My Account page, which you can get to by clicking onto your name at the top-right of your page:

From here, head into Contact Info, and hit Edit to update your email and/or mobile number. Follow the same steps above to enter your new email address or mobile number, along with your current password, then hit Confirm.

Ensure you hit Save, then click the Jane Logo by the Sign Out button to get back to the admin side of things, and your usual view! 🎊

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