Jane's Guide Here's all the help you need to use Jane.

Jane Desktop App

Welcome to the Jane Desktop guide!

Jane Desktop is a new tool that installs Jane right on your computer! Don’t be alarmed though, it’s the same Jane you use in your web browser, but in a more convenient package.

How do I install Jane Desktop?

1️⃣ Head over to the download page to download Jane Desktop.

2️⃣ If you’re on a Mac computer, click the Download for Mac link, if you’re on a Windows computer, click Download for windows.

3️⃣ Double click the installer after you download it

4️⃣ For Mac users, drag the Jane Desktop icon over to the Applications folder to finish the installation process

Using Jane Desktop

Once you have Jane Desktop installed, open it up from inside ‘Applications’. You should see a place where you can enter in your Jane domain. This will be the same domain as if you are going to your online booking site. Only enter in the part up to the first period, we’ll take care of the rest.

Once you’ve done that, click Next and login to your Jane account just like you would in your web browser. You’ll be greeted with your Jane account right on your desktop 👋.

You can start using the Jane Desktop app just like you would in the web browser (and even take Telehealth calls)!

If you have any questions, please reach out to our wonderful support team at [email protected] or click on Need Help? in the menu bar at the top of your account.


Where does the Jane Desktop app live?

Jane Desktop will live in your Applications Folder, double click to open it up. For windows users, click on Jane in your Programs folder.

2️⃣Does Jane Desktop support taking Telehealth calls?

Yes it does! Simply click Begin and it will automatically open up a video chat with you patient right inside of Jane Desktop.

3️⃣Does Jane Desktop support offline mode?

Not yet. If you’re interested in offline mode support, please submit a request on Canny and let us know.

4️⃣Does Jane Desktop support opening multiple tabs?

Right now, Jane Desktop supports only 1 tab. If you really love working across multiple tabs, please reach out to us on Canny. Jane in your web browser still supports multiple tabs so feel free to use Jane there in the meantime.

5️⃣I clicked a link and it opened a tab in my web browser!?

Jane Desktop is pretty smart. It opens links external to your jane subdomain in a web-browser.

6️⃣I clicked a link and it opened a new Jane Desktop window!?

Were you holding down command when you clicked? Sorry about that. Currently Jane Desktop links should not be command-clicked. Reach out to us on Canny!

7️⃣Can I zoom in like in my web browser to make the text larger?

Sorry, that’s not something Jane Desktop can do just yet. Reach out to us on Canny to vote for this!

8️⃣When I double-click the titlebar, the Jane Desktop window doesn’t expand to fill my screen?

We’re working on that! You should be able to drag it right to the top of your monitor and that should work.

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