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đŸŽ„ On Demand Webinar: Jane + TELUS eClaims Integration

Alison Taylor, Jane co-founder, Amy Allan, Jane Canadian Insurance PO, and Michel Charbonneau, Account Executive for eClaims at TELUS Health are your hosts for a special webinar on the launch of Jane’s eClaims integration.

With Jane’s eClaims integration, staff members can now submit and receive responses in real-time from eClaims participating insurers.

Available with Jane’s insurance plan, the eClaims integration helps Jane users:

  • Reduce double entry
  • Submit claims faster
  • Ease payment reconciliation
  • Keep all patient data in one place

Watch the webinar replay to see how Jane’s eClaims integration can benefit your clinic, including:

  • Demo of Jane’s eClaims integration
  • Showcase of eClaims tips, tricks and features in Jane
  • Conversation with Alison and Michel about Jane’s eClaims integration
  • Live Q&A

Webinar Resources

Webinar Q&A

Questions and answers below pulled from the chat and Q&A during the webinar. For Jane’s eClaims integration FAQ click here.

Eligibility and Registration Questions

Q: Can RSWs or psychologists direct bill in BC?

A: Psychologists can direct bill in BC through eClaims. For RSW, we are working on it and hoping to make it available by next year.

Q: Who do we send the request to add additional providers to TELUS eClaims?

A: Hi! You can send them [email protected] :-)

Q: How do you enrol in TELUS Health?

A: Hi you can register for eClaims online at telushealth.com/eclaims.

Q: What is the average wait right now for a TELUS account? We applied about 3 weeks ago and didn’t hear anything back.

A: We are definitely working on getting registrations processed as quickly as possible. Currently, it may be go past the three weeks. We can look into the status of the registration if you have your reference number available. Thank you.

Q: TELUS is extremely back logged in getting a new login for a Doctor. Presently waiting 2 months and no login information given and very very difficult to speak to anyone. When will this be cleared up ?

A: Covid19 completely swamp us
we are going as fast as we can. Credentialing Health care professional is not a few minutes process unfortunately.

Q: Is there an overall list of which types of practitioners in each province/jurisdiction that can submit eClaims through TELUS, and for which insurers? I keep seeing many people saying licensed psychologists are having a hard time submitting claims for psychotherapy automatically.

A: Yes. In the TELUS eClaims FAQs > Registration > Which providers are eligible for eClaims?

Q: We have licensed psychologists, licensed psychotherapists, and licensed clinical social workers, all licensed in Quebec.

A: Psychologists can direct bill for most participating insurers (except Manulife and Sun Life but that should change later this year). Psychotherapists and social workers are not eligible today but we hope to make it available for social workers by early next year.

Q: I am a social worker. I’ve heard TELUS Health are beginning to accept direct billing for social workers (but previously haven’t). I am wondering if that will be discussed? I currently have an TELUS Provider account but it doesn’t have any direct billing access.

A: Michel from TELUS will touch on this later on in webinar. We are working with the participating insurers on enabling RSW. Hoping to have it for next year.

Q: Am wondering if this will be applicable to me - are RCCs able to bill directly through this TELUS portal?

A: RCCs are not available on eClaims yet but we are continually adding more professions. I would recommend reaching out to your professional association or college and ask them to get in touch with us.

Q: How do we get registered for TELUS e-claims?

A: Hi there! You can register online here: telushealth.com/eclaims

Q: Is there a way to load up six claims at a time? When billing for WSIB I need to bill for six appointments at once. TIA.

A: WSIB is in a separate system from the rest of these insurers, WSIB isn’t able to be submitted through Jane.

Q: Is that only with the TELUS integration or with all portals?

A: The disciplines available should be the same within the TELUS eClaims portal as with the integration

Q: Manulife and SunLife shows that electronic submission is not allowed for psychologists. When calling SunLife, they indicate it should be possible. Is that correct? Manulife and SunLife are common insurances for psychology clients and it would be helpful to have submissions electronically.

A: Hi there, Manulife and Sunlife currently don’t support direct billing for psychologists. Manulife is working on changing that by year end. As for Sunlife, it’s unclear on when they will support this.

Getting Started/Questions about Settings

Q: Do you have to set ourselves up for integration first?

A: Yes! You need to be registered for eClaims and then you need to set up the integration in Jane.

Q: If we’ve changed our password in TELUS, how do we update it in Jane? We are currently unable to bill & all claims are being rejected due to the password being changed.

A: You can update your password in Settings>integrations under your TELUS location.

Q: We have to change our password to get into TELUS Health about every 3-4 months. Will we have to still do this once integrated and if so how will we know when the password has expired?

A: This would be the same in Jane as well, but there is an “incorrect password” error you’ll run into if your password needs to be updated in Jane.

Q: Blue Cross ProviderNet has never worked properly from the get go, so we stopped using it within a month because we had to use the regular portal so often - so will this system be less glitchy? If we find it’s not useful and easier to go back to the current way of submitting, is it easy/possible to reveres the integration with TELUS eclaim in Jane or will it mess everything up? Lol.

A: Hi hi! The TELUS eClaims integration has worked quite well, so you should have issues once you’re all set up. At the moment, we don’t have the ability to undo the integration, but we’re working on that so that moving forward

Q: Does Jane allow for multiple users using TELUS?

A: You bet, you can have multiple organizations in the integration, multiple independent providers, etc.

Q: When setting up a practitioner Jane is asking for the Provider CPR Id (issued by TELUS) where do we find that on the TELUS site.

A: Hi there, you can find all the instructions (including where to find the CPR ID in the TELUS portal) here: [https://jane.app/guide/setting-up-your-telus-eclaims-integration)

Q: I think I missed a component
. where do I enable the integration? I have never direct billed via Jane. I submit from TELUS portal and marked as submitted

A: You can set up the integration with these instructions: [https://jane.app/guide/setting-up-your-telus-eclaims-integration)

Q: Will it create a whole new insurer as TELUS eClaims for our existing patients that we already have set up under Sunlife, Canada Life etc? Or will it integrate with the existing insurer profile we have in Jane?

A: If you choose to “upgrade” your insurers, this will upgrade the policies as well, so you shouldn’t end up with duplicates.

Submitting, Eligibility Checks, and Reversing

Q: A question I have is regarding the billing codes (you may cover this later). Usually we put those codes in the insurance claim itself but there doesn’t seem to be a field in the TELUS integration to enter it. Therefore each appointment tab has to be added in order to submit. I realize we can “use previously” however that causes other possible issues when results change from appointment to appointment as they move through the year. Will this be added to the insurance claim set up screen or will we always need to add manually per appointment?

A: Ahh it sounds like you’re using billing codes to override your treatment prices, am I right there? If that’s the case, you could use adjustments to override your treatment prices instead: [https://jane.app/guide/creating-an-adjustment)

Q: Billing code needs to be entered for the PBC integration on each insurance claim. We don’t do any adjustments. We submit at 100% and PBC makes the changes depending on the results (deductible, percentage, etc). So I was looking for the same thing for TELUS eClaims integration. It doesn’t seem to be in there.

A: Oh, while the two integrations are a bit different from each other, both would require a billing code to submit and you should get a real-time response like you’ve described. That said, you wouldn’t see those “max amount” and “percent coverage” fields like with PBC

Q: we sell laboratory tests as Naturopathic Doctors, is there a way to can use the Jane integration to direct bill for the lab tests.

A: Hi there! Oh yes, you should be able to bill your lab tests through the integration as long as the lab test is added directly to the appointment. If you were to create your lab test as a ‘product’, this can be added onto an appointment so that you submit them together. But, each will still have their own invoice so you can keep those as separate purchases

Q: How do voids work with the integration?

A: You can reverse submissions on the same day with the integration. Here’s our guide that walks through the steps: [https://jane.app/guide/reversing-submissions-through-the-telus-eclaims-integration)

Q: Wondering the correct way to bill if someone has primary and spousal coverage? If both are Sunlife or one Sunlife/one Manulife?

A: Hello! Right now TELUS offers coordination of benefits for Canada Life if both plans are under Canada Life. They are trying to get this for other insurers though! As well, we’re looking to build in coordination of benefits into the integration for any insurers that offer this. For the moment though, only the primary insurer can be submitted to through the integration, regardless of if the second insurer is the same as the first.

Q: When submitting a claim, what if you need to use an adjustment (perhaps patient had a gift card)?Also, when we submit labs through insurance, do we need to add the claim to each individual lab?

A: I’d recommend getting in touch with our support team so that we chat more on the gift cards and adjustments you may need to do. But when it comes to the labs, absolutely, you’ll want to add the labs to the appointment directly and be sure that a policy is added onto the labs as well.

Q: Does Jane’s integration allow for coordination of benefits (submission to two plans) if billing through Canada Life?

A: At the moment we don’t have coordination of benefits within the integration

Q: Is there going to be an option for “pre-authorization” so we can check coverage before a patient comes in?

A: Pre-determinations are definitely allowed on most of the insurance companies on our platform. Additional details can be found here: https://www.telus.com/en/health/health-professionals/allied-healthcare-professionals/eclaims/faq Thank you!

Q: What happens if you submit an insurance and it comes back as on hold or pending. Should we still bill the patient or how do we see if we will get the payment?

A: Depends if you trust your patient, you can cancel/void the claim and ask the patient to pay the full amount and him to manage this with is insurance company.

Q: Can you bill for six appointments at once?

A: The claims should be submitted directly after the treatment, while the patient is still in the clinic. Submitting 6 appointments at once would probably be flagged as suspicious by the insurer.

Q: We sell products, like bracing, out of our clinic. Bracing coverage is fantastic with most insurance companies. Is there any way we can use TELUS to direct bill the bracing?

A: Oh yes, as long as the products you’re submitting for would be able to be submitted in the portal, you should be able to bill those in the integration as well! You’ll just want to be sure you add the product directly to the appointment

Q: Whats the best method to use when submitting a claim for a patient that has two insurances?

A: Hi there! If a patient has coordinated plans with an insurer that offers coordination of benefits (such as Canada Life), I believe you should be able to manage that in the portal. We’re looking to add coordination of benefits into the integration for any insurers that offer them, but for the moment, you would be able to submit the primary policy only in Jane

Q: Once we are integrated will there be an easier reversal process next day and less “Claim Pending” results!?

A: Hey there! You’ll be able to reverse pending submissions in the integration, but they would need to be done same-day like with the portal

Q: When the insurer pays to the patient directly (e.g. Manulife, Canada Life), the payment shows “On Hold” in Jane. We have two invoices listed in Jane, one is the submission listed on hold and the other is the invoice paid by the patient directly. Other than manually removing the invoice, is there a way for Jane to elapse these “on hold” automatically?

A: Great question! On hold claims won’t update automatically in general, but in this case where the payment is going to the patient, you can “pay and approve” the insurer’s invoice

Q: How about two policies, example husband and wife either having the same insurance company or different? How do you do that?

A: Hello! Right now TELUS offers coordination of benefits for Canada Life if both plans are under Canada Life. They are trying to get this for other insurers though! As well, we’re looking to build in coordination of benefits into the integration for any insurers that offer this. For the moment though, only the primary insurer can be submitted to through the integration, regardless of if the second insurer is the same as the first

Q: Will there be a possibility to submit secondary coverage through Jane as well in the future since currently primary is only allowed?

A: We’re looking to add coordination of benefits in Jane for any insurers who offer this :)

Q: Okay thanks. One more thing. Does Jane automatically change the cogwheel to pay to patient if that is what the provider replies and is the cogwheel set to pay to clinic by default?

A: Absolutely, the insurance mode will switch to “patient pre-pay” automatically if the insurer will end up paying the patient.

Q: How do you view it at a later date?

A: If you click on the visit from your schedule, you can click “view” or “view submission” in the insurance info area.

Q: We sell orthotics/compression socks in our clinic. Can we send in an eligibility claim for these things as we have not been able to do so in the past with the insurance companies.

A: We have not been able to get insurers onboard with direct billing for orthotics or other medical supplies, unfortunately.

Q: Manulife does not allow for voiding or reversing on same day. is this just their policy

A: Yes, this is a decision Manulife has taken.

Q: Can you only do a submission after you’ve arrived them? We usually do them previous to the arrival so they’re ready for payout

A: Ah yes, you’ll need to arrive the appointment to generate an invoice for it

Q: Is it possible to complete a claim prior to arriving the patient?

A: Hi, you can definitely prepare it in advance but we recommend submitting the claim after the treatment, before the patient leaves.

Q: If you forget to submit a claim, do you still only have 31 days to submit it?

A: The electronic claims are still limited to up to 31 days from date of service when submitting to TELUS insurance partners. Thank you for your question.

Q: Sometimes TELUS says it “MAY” switch to pay insured member. How does Jane handle that?

A: The EOB in Jane will show the final result but Jane will automatically update the insurance mode for you.

Patient Policies

Q: So who’s information go’s in that area if its not self

A: If something other than “self” is selected, it could be a spouse’s information being entered, a child’s, etc. depending on who the insured member is.

Q: In the intake we may request info for health care
are we able to set up the claim without submitting.

A: Oh yes! If you head to the patient’s profile and into “insurance policies”, you can create the policy there

Q: I wasn’t prompted to ender the DOB The other thing, if you log into the TELUS portal, you do not see the claims submitted for the day. Why is that?Just a way of making an in clinic “treatment plan” with the patient’s coverage for MT, DC, ND etcAlso, the same area where you can enter the patient’s max etc, can we do one for non mva/injury accounts?Is there an easier way to access that EOB bc the method I found was 3-4 steps and not as simple to go back and access.

A: That’s correct, because TELUS has separate systems for the integration and the portal, integration submissions will not be visible in the portal. You can definitely enter in max amounts for non-integrated insurers :)Ah yes, it is a couple of clicks to get back to the EOB

Q: When you are filling out the claim setup and you select something other than self, is that DOB/address information supposed to be the patient’s information or the main insured member’s information (i.e. spouse, etc.)

A: Info would be the insured member’s info :)

Q: When you select spouse or child are we entering the policy owners name or the spouse or child name (who is the client). Same question for birthdate.

A: When selecting that relationship, you would enter in the insured member’s info (name and DOB) below that relationship.

Q: Hi there,You may have mentioned this or may be going to. We see children and teen’s, so the client profile is in the Child’s name, not the parent’s. Are there any specific considerations we need to know in Jane or TELUS or the direct billing?

A: No worries there, you’ll be able to enter the insured member’s information on the patient’s policy if the patient isn’t the insured member themselves, so you can submit through the integration for those no problem.

Payments, Reconciling, and EOBs

Q: I’m curious of how accurate the billing of claims and associated deposits are once you pull up the JANE reports. For example, some Sunlife claims don’t get deposited into our business bank account until a few days later. What if this occurs at month end? Will I still need to make a manual adjustment?

A: You have two options with the integration: one is to have Jane automatically record payments at the time of submission, but the other is to manually record payments only once they’ve been received :)

Q: It seems that when the Provider is paying the patient and not the clinic, the amount owing still appears as an outstanding claim. Why is this as the clinic is not receiving any money.

A: What you can do here is “pay and approve” the insurer’s invoice as though to mark that the insurer has paid the patient

Q: Can you print that EOB at anytime or just when you first submit it?

A: You can come back to the EOB at any time.

Q: Will the EOB’s stay on their file for reference or will it only be there for a month like the TELUS Health Website?

A: There shouldn’t be a limit, you should be able to get back to the EOB at any time :)

Q: How do you change a billing from the insurer to private once submitted, on hold and then you receive notification that the insurer won’t pay for that session?

A: You can “disable electronic submission” by using the black downward arrow in the insurance info area, which will allow you to work with the claim just like before the integration

Q: Is there an area where we can get a summary report of EHB submissions for the day?

A: If you’re in the main Billing tab, you can view the “submitted” items there, filtering if needed.

Q: We usually save that confirmation of submission under the patient’s file so we know we submitted and it shows what is paid - will we still need to manually save this into the file then or does Jane automatically save that confirmation with details somewhere?

A: The EOB will stay on file as long as the policy isn’t removed and electronic submissions aren’t disabled, so you shouldn’t need to save them separately.

Q: If you apply the payment later does it still calculate the amount owing to patient?

A: Oh yes! The insurer payments are separate of the patient payments, so no worries there

Q: How long does TELUS health take to pay clinics.

A 1: The payments come from the participating insurers and it varies. Some pay on the next day whereas others do a bulk payment every two weeks.

A 2: Payment schedule depends on the insurance company you’ve submitted the claim to as payments are done by the insurance companies. For more information you can check out this document: https://plus.telushealth.co/page/eclaims/resources/asset/pdf/insurer_payment_guide.pdf. Thank you!

Q: Can you modify the setting for auto-deposit vs manual entries for each insurer? Or do you have to set the integration up as a whole one way or the other?

A: You bet, you can choose automatic or manual payments for the integration in general, and you can customize this per insurer by calling or emailing our support team

Q: 2 questions please! 1, where can you void a claim that was submitted to the insurer??also, can you print a TELUS health end of day report??thanks!!

A: You can definitely reverse submissions, so here’s our guide on that: [https://jane.app/guide/reversing-submissions-through-the-telus-eclaims-integrationIf) you head to your main Billing tab, you’ll be able to view the submissions for the day there, but it would be “printed” as a statement

Q: Will we still receive emails from the insurance companies showing the direct deposits into our bank account?

A: Yes

Q: Is there any way we can view the history of past claims through Jane? Currently on the TELUS portal I can look up past claims for the last 30 days. Currently when we run it through Jane we are unable to view or look up any old claims. It’s helpful when we need to look up if there was a error.

A: If you head to your main Billing tab, you should be able to view all submitted claims and filter as needed.

Questions for TELUS and about the TELUS Portal

Q: Will the TELUS Portal ever allow coordination of benefits?

A: Right now we offer coordination of benefits for Canada Life if both plans are under Canada Life. We are trying to get it for other insurers but we are heavily dependent on the insurers for this. It is a priority for us and we hope to make it available for more insurers in the future.

Q: Will TELUS health ever change to allow submissions to secondary? Other insurance companies allow submissions to secondary (i.e. Greenshield,) but because TELUS does not allow us to declare the amount covered by primary, it is always denied citing “primary must be billed.” It also does not allow clinic to bill coordinated coverage with payment to clinic. Most of our clients with 2 insurance companies complain about this.

A: We are pushing insurers to start supporting coordination of benefits as we know this is the top feature requested by healthcare professionals. It currently exists if both plans are under Canada Life but of course, we understand it would be good to have it for all insurers and we’re working on it.

Q: When I first switched to Jane and Direct billing I only offered DB for insurers that give an answer in real time what the coverage is. At the time there were about 5 or 6 at the time, mostly the big guys like Canada Life, Sunlife, Manulife, etc. Has that changed with this integration now? Are more insurers offering real-time coverage approval?

A: You can find all the adjudication hours here: https://plus.telushealth.co/page/eclaims/resources/asset/pdf/insurer_payment_guide.pdf. Thank you!

Q: Is there any way to see the patients total coverage/maximum allowance or any other website that allows for us to check that?

A: That is confidential info that only your patient can access through their employer / benefit plan provider. But you can submit a predetermination in advance to check if a claim would go through.

Q: What about Greenshield and Telus working together?

A: We are in discussion with Greenshield but they have their own portal right now so there aren’t plans to add them at this time..

Q: Is there a list of Insurance Co’s on the list?

A: Yes https://plus.telushealth.co/page/eclaims/resources/asset/pdf/insurer_payment_guide.pdf

Q: Why does TELUS not allow coordination of benefits for physiotherapy. There is the option to do it but we have never had success with it!

A1: The coordination of benefits option is limited to some of our partner insurance companies. Canada Life and Sun Life are some of the insurers allowing coordination if both partners are under the same insurer. More info can be found here: https://www.telus.com/en/health/health-professionals/allied-healthcare-professionals/eclaims/faq Thank you!

A2: Right now we offer coordination of benefits for Canada Life if both plans are under Canada Life. We are trying to get it for other insurers but we are heavily dependent on the insurers for this. It is a priority for us and once it becomes available, it will be for all professions, including physiotherapy.

Q: Will TELUS Health ever allow 2nd coverage in the future? A lot of clients have double coverage both under TELUS Health. Blue cross and Green Shield both allow that and I am hoping TELUS Health can do the same.

A: Hi there, we are working on it with all of the participating insurers. It does exist today if both plans are covered by Canada Life and we’re working with the other insurers to make it available with more.

Q: Will the claims submitted through Jane still show up on your TELUS portal in past transactions?

A: TELUS has separate systems to manage their portal vs. integrations, so integration submissions will not be visible in the portal

Q: I have a question about multiple users. Does each TELUS user need their username/password stored or can the admin account be used for everyone instead?

A: TELUS always recommends that each person using the service have their own user logins. Thank you.

Insurer-Specific Questions

Q: integrated eClaims has soap server errors with Claim Secure

A: Yes, ClaimSecure is not working right now. We are working on it with ClaimSecure to fix this. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Q: We have been having issues with GroupHealth giving us error saying carrier not available? Is this an issue others have been experiencing?

A: We’re awaiting a fix from the team at GroupHealth so these submissions need to be done in the portal at the moment

Q: We have haven’t had luck successfully using the integration with Groupsource and Grouphealth. It works fine through the web portal but we get consistent errors through the integration. Is there a known issue - and a way around this?

A: Ahh yes, we’re awaiting a fix from these insurers, so these submissions will need to be done through the portal directly for the moment.


Q: Getting random NL20 errors that seem to happen randomly with different insurance companies. I’m thinking license number format for the Practitioners college licenses?

A: The NL20 error is related to the license number, you’re correct there. I’d recommend getting in touch with our support team so that they can help you get that sorted - they can be reached by phone at 1(844)310-5263 or by email at [email protected] :)

Q: Can’t get the integration to work with RMTs. Any suggestion? Have double checked #s with TelusHealth and they match with what is in Jane.

A: Hi there, I know some users had issues with leading zeroes on their license number. I recommend you reach out to us to get this sorted. Send me the info at [email protected].

Q: I have recently setup the Telus Health integration and have not been able to claim for my patients, as an error arises that says, ‘the provider (author) is invalid; not registered with TELUS
’ I thought I set it up correctly?

A: To get troubleshooting help you’ll want to get in touch with our support team. They can be reached by phone at 1(844)310-5263 or by email at [email protected] :)

Q: Do you know why our billing codes are not corresponding to the appointment code?? i.e 30mins physio treatment showing up at chiro treatment?

A: Ohh we’d love to help you with this! I’d recommend getting in touch with our support team. They can be reached by phone at 1(844)310-5263 or by email at [email protected] :)

Q: We’ve been using the integration for the past few weeks now. There has been a small number of times we hit submit and get the response of “Incomplete or Error” and a side message saying “you can manually mark as submitted” - something along those lines. When going to the Billing tab, it still says “Paid” in green. Is it safe to assume that the claim still went through? Hope this question make sense.

A: I’d recommend getting in touch with our support team so we can look into that for you. They can be reached by phone at 1(844)310-5263 or by email at [email protected] :)

Q: If we reverse a request through Jane, it doesn’t always go through; not sure why. We did it with one client last week (same day) but when I checked the TELUS portal later that day, the original invoice had gone through and there was no reversal.

A: Feel free to connect with our support team if you’re concerned about reversals not going through, but I do want to confirm that submissions and reversals done in Jane will not be visible in the portal

Q: We’ve had some issues with Pay to Insurer - the balance doesn’t always go to the client! We usually put the policy invoice through and then remove the policy in order for the whole amount to go to the client

A: I’d recommend getting in touch with our support team to look into this with you :)

Q: We had a situation where a client’s EHB was submitted twice so we reversed, then resubmitted but the client’s coverage showed as nothing even though initially there was some coverage. We followed up directly with the insurer and they said that there was some coverage though Jane was showing no coverage. Jane said it was an insurer issue, but the insurer said it was a Jane issue. How do you recommend we proceed?

A: Our support team would be the best resource to help you out here, so if this comes up again, feel free to send us an email at [email protected] and we can dig into this for you.

Jane Questions

Q: If an insurance company does not want to collaborate with TELUS Health, will Jane be looking at other ways we can direct bill these companies? This seems to be the disconnect in our ability to use Jane fully for this service I think?

A: We definitely do discuss working with other insurers and other portals, but feel free to add any that you’d like to see to our feature request list :)

Q: Also if they already have the relationship in Jane, would that be carried forward to the TELUS info?

A: Ah no, the relationships feature wouldn’t carry over to policies

Q: if the spouse/ insured person is already a patient will it auto-populate?

A: Hey there! If a relationship has been added on the main profile, it wouldn’t automatically carryover to the policy

Q: Does the code (spacebar) feature work for PBC too?

A: You bet, the spacebar trick should work regardless of the insurer.

Q: How can we get Jane WITH the insurance features?

A: If you’d like to upgrade plans, you can do that in Settings>Jane Subscription

Q: Are we able to get a daily report of all insurance billing with patient names - instead of just invoice #s that are on the transaction report?

A: Do you want to check out your main Billing tab in the claim submissions area to see if that might help your situation?

Q: What is Jane’s fee on this function?

A: There is no fee as long as you’re on a plan with insurance features. If you’re not sure what plan you’re on we can help you out by emailing [email protected]

Q: Can we use the client pays setting (so the insurer reimburses the client) with ICBC claims as well?

A: This setting is available on all claims in Jane, even for non-integrated insurers :)

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