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Packages on a Payment Plan

📣 Please note that Packages are a part of our Thrive Plan. For more info on the different plan options in Jane, check out our Pricing Page.

Sometimes you may want to provide patients the option to pay for their Package in installments. This allows you to collect payments over time, rather than requiring the full amount upfront.

You might be asking yourself, how would you go about doing that in Jane? Well don’t you worry, by the end of this guide, you’ll be a pro so let’s dive in together! 🤿

Note📝: Only a Full Access user or Account Owner can set up Packages. Please check out our Staff Access Levels Jane guide for more info on the different permission levels in Jane.

We’ll explore two options and you can pick the one that works best for your practice:

Option 1 - Creating separate Packages for each payment installment

Option 2 - Creating a $0 Package and using a Product invoice to track payment

Option 1 - Creating separate Packages for each payment installment

This option works great if you want to link payments to the Package invoice and set a specific Quantity of Eligible Items for each payment period. As a result, another added benefit is that the patient can use as many Package appointments as they have paid for without accidentally going over.

As a Full Access user, you can begin by Setting up a Package by heading to your Settings > Packages & Memberships to create a New Package or Membership.

At this point, you will want to create a series of mini Packages for each payment period. As you set up the Package, you will want to set the Amount to the payment associated with that payment period.

🤓 Quick tip: You may find it helpful to set the Name of each Package in a way that will allow you to easily track a patient’s progress through the payment plan ie. “Treatment Package 1/4”

screenshot of package set up for option 1

Similarly, in Usage & Eligibility, you will want to set the Quantity of Eligible Items for that particular payment period.

So for example, if your original package had 10 appointments for $500 and you want your installments to be $100 each, you’ll set the Amount of this mini Package to $100 for a Quantity of 2 Eligible Items.

Once you’re happy with the mini Package you created, hit that Create Package button to save your hard work. You can go ahead and repeat this process for the remaining mini Packages.

Good work! Your mini Packages are ready to be sold.

Option 2 - Creating a $0 Package and using a Product invoice to track payment

This next option is a wonderful option if you would prefer to have one Package and one invoice where you can take custom payments at custom time intervals. As a result, you can use the Product invoice to track a patient’s payment progress without restricting their use of the full Package.

Similarly to option 1, you’ll start as a Full Access user Setting up a Package by heading to your Settings > Packages & Memberships to create a New Package or Membership.

When setting up your Package, make sure to set the Amount to $0.00

screenshot of package set up for option 2

Now the Package portion of your setup is complete and can be added to your patient’s account.

The next step is creating a Product for the payment associated with your Package.

You can Create a Product by heading to your Settings > Products to create a New Product.

When you are creating your Product, the fields you will want to fill out are the Name, Price, and Income Category. Once complete, go ahead and Create Product.

screenshot of product setup for option 2

Now that you have the Product created, you can sell it to your patient, which will generate an invoice that you can pay off in installments.

For a great resource on partially paying an invoice, you can reference our Partially Pay an Invoice Jane guide.

For additional details on these steps, check out these handy dandy Jane guides:

As always, we’re here for you if you have any additional questions or would like a helping hand during this setup. Please feel free to check out our Jane Support & Resources page if you’d like some extra assistance. 💙

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