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UK Jane Payments πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

Uk Jane Payments.

When your patient logs into their My Account area they will have access to the following Jane Payments tabs:

Credit Cards on File and Pay Balance.

The Credit Cards on File tab allows the patient to add/update a credit card to their account which can also be accessed on the Admin side to charge the patient.

The Pay Balance tab allows the patient to pay any existing outstanding balances they owe on their account. This includes any outstanding invoices such as Arrived appointments, products, or packages.

You can also set up a pre-payment policy for your clinic which means that a patient will need to pay the full amount or partial amount for the appointment when they book in. This can be customized to apply to all appointments, or for only first-time appointments.

Enabling a partial or full pre-payment policy for your clinic may be a good idea if you have a high cancellation rate from your patients, or you just want that extra security to be able to cover any costs associated with late cancellations.

Click here to learn more about how to set up Online Booking Pre-Pyments

Pay Balance Email.

One of the benefits of Jane Payments is that it gives you the option to send patients their account statement and request that they pay it online.

You can ask patients to pay their balance by heading over to their profile in the Patients tab, selecting the patient’s name, and selecting their Billing tab. From here you can click on the Pay Balance button:

Here you will get an opportunity to add some custom messaging to the email to explain what you’re sending over:

When the patient receives the email, it will look like this:

Here is a guide we have on Pay Balance Emails if you want to take a look.

If you have any questions along the way, please don’t hesitate to email the UK Jane team at [email protected] for support.


Written by Leala - UK Support Team

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